Op het EAMHID congres in Berlijn presenteren we de nieuwe publicatie
Emotional development and intelectual disability – a guide for understandig emotional development and its implications
Een prachtige gelegenheid om het boek te presenteren binnen het werkveld!
Het boek is verkrijgbaar https://www.pavpub.com/mental-health/learning-disability-mental-health/emotional-development-intellectual-disability-guide-to-understanding-emotional-development-and-implications-for-practice
This publication recognises the complexity and importance of emotions and emotional development in the needs and lives of people with intellectual disabilities (learning disabilities), and in their care and support. The book combines research, assessment and practice by a team of experts and advisers in the field. This collaboration facilitates for an exploration of this complex topic from a number of positive perspectives, including, emotional development as an adaptive behaviour, as a support need, and as a quality of life domain. With insights into the intertwined connection between the emotions and the brain, the book systematically sets out theoretical frameworks, themes of emotional development, diagnostics and support, before considering whether it is possible to provide an integrative model as a basis for theory, everyday practice and research. Emotional Development and Intellectual Disability: A guide to understanding emotional development and its implications for practice is relevant to everyone working in the field of intellectual disability as a key reference for practice, education, policy-making and research.
Naar aanleiding van het verschijnen van de publicatie ‘Emotional development and ntellectual disability, a guide to understanding emotional development and its implications’ bij Pavilion Publisher:
Op 8 september een open webinar!
Mogelijkheid om gratis deel te nemen.
Naar aanleiding van de publicatie bij Pavilion Publisher is er op 8 september as een open/gratis webinar over het boek en het thema – toegelicht door ondergetekende en Jolanda Vonk
Kijk en doe mee: https://news.pavpub.com/pavilionpublishingandmedialz/lz.aspx?p1=VhBDA1NDMxUzY0NTE5MTEyOjc0NzAwRTk3MjhDRTNGNTlFMDcwNDA3MkNENDBBMEM1-&CC=&p=0
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